VCK's Newest Employees

March this year; after several years on the waiting list my husband finally gets an allotment. After much discussion as to whether we should get just half or a whole plot (we are beginners after all) he goes for two. I’m not impressed. So plans on how we are going to fill this immense area of space begin and chickens are mentioned. Again, not overly impressed. Six months on and we are now building a coop to home the six chickens that we have adopted from another plot. Currently in their own home, they will move into a new space on our plot where they are joined by some more chickens. And actually they are pretty cool.

We now have freshly laid eggs on a daily basis that are perfect for the cupcake making. And the feathery things are quite friendly. Forgiven for trying to peck my toes on our first meeting (I was wearing flip flops after all) the chickens get to have a wander around and are very good at going back into the coop. After four weeks of looking after Tikka, Korma, Chasseur, Thai Green, Tonight and Roastie, I am now impressed. Nice work ladies!

1 comment:

  1. Wow - locally sourced produce! That makes me love VCK even more :)
